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Model Course ePortfolios

BME 441.01, Senior Design Project in Biomedical Engineering, Spring 2011


Course Description

Introduction to product development from the perspective of solving biomedical, biotechnological, environmental, and ergonomic problems. Teamwork in design, establishing customer needs, writing specifications, and legal and financial issues are covered in the context of design as a decision-based process. A team design project provides the opportunity to apply concepts covered in class.  Formulation of optimal design problems in biomedical and physiological settings. Introduces optimization techniques for engineering design and modeling for compact and rapid optimization of realistic biomedical engineering problems.  3 credits.


Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Liu

ePortoflios are a requirement for course completion.


Dr. Liu will join Dr. Gary Halada and Dr. Imin Kao and represent the Department of Engineering in the Making Connections - Connecting to Learning project involving integrative learning and eportfolios.  They also have applied for a NSF grant for developing a problem-based learning model which includes the eportfolio process.  For more information on eportfolios and the project, contact Nancy Wozniak in The Faculty Center, ext. 22780.  nancy.wozniak@stonybrook.edu

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User-uploaded Content

View: BME 441: Senior Design II - Non-Electronic Blood Pressure Assist Device (Group 5)


Few words from the e-Portfolio....


In the world today some of the most significant health issues are related to the cardiovascular system. As compared to developing countries, countries like the United States have plenty of opportunities for accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. Engineering World Health (EWH), a non profit organization based out of Duke University is currently working toward providing improved healthcare to these areas. EWH works directly with clinicians and technicians to determine the most urgent needs to address, one of which is a device that will enable a minimally trained individual to take blood pressure measurements without the use of a stethoscope, or a “Non Electronic Blood Pressure Assist Device”.


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