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     Leadership has many different definitions depending on how someone thinks of it. Not everyone interprets things the same way as others. Some people consider leadership to mean that it is someone or something with very strict power while others might consider it something less strict and very lenient.

     To me, leadership is defined as someone who takes control of a situation and handles it responsibly and in a mature manner. They don’t handle it too strictly or too leniently; they handle it with the right amount of force to control the situation but not be too controlling. A leader is someone who is confident in themselves and can handle situations well. They need to know how to stay calm if something goes wrong and to not start to panic if something happens. A leader needs to stay in control of a bad situation so that it doesn’t get worse and can be repaired.

     Leadership is something that everyone has a little bit of inside of them even if they don’t realize it. Someone who is shy can take control of a situation if forced to; they may not be very good at it, but they can learn from that experience. If they don’t enjoy having the power of leadership, they don’t have to be the leader of everything. It is good to have experiences of leadership though because it teaches people new experiences and it shows them that they have the courage to break out of their shells.

     If I were to be a leader, I would probably be a little nervous at first because I am not used to being in charge of things. I’m sure I would learn a lot from the L.E.A.D. Program to help me improve on my leadership skills though. If I were to be nominated, I would enter the program with an open mind and learn new skills to the best of my ability.

     As a leader I would try to help people with issues they are having or help them try to help them in any way I can. I could also show people their way around the campus or show them places they can go. I could also help people with issues off campus as well. Being a part of the L.E.A.D. Program would greatly increase my leadership skills and would help me get out of my shell and out of my comfort zone. I’ve always been a shy person so it was an honor to be nominated to be in the L.E.A.D. Program. I would try my hardest and do the best I can to learn how to be a leader and to interact with people better if I were to be selected. I would keep an open mind and learn the skills to be a better leader to the best of my ability.

     Leadership has many different definitions depending on how someone thinks of it. Not everyone interprets things the same way as other people.

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