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Hopefully, this page reflects adequately and gives insight on who I am as a student, a leader and ultimately a person. As a Stony Brook University student, the great sense of community  (which made me feel super welcomed when I transferred in the fall of 2011), entusiasm, and spirit I have felt around this campus has encouraged me to further involve myself and explore my leadership potential.  

As a leader, there are some values that I believe in that which without a doubt strongly affect my leadership style:1. CONFIDENCE. 2. Positivity. 3. Loyalty and Integrity.On my values page, I will go more indepth about them. As a person, I believe in honesty while treating others in a fair and just manner. 

    Choosing to transfer to Stony Brook University was one of the best choices I have made in my life because, I was able to make new friends here as well as getting into some programs that helped me enhance my leadership skills and have mentors who still continue to guide me in that area.


"We all lead in different ways, a different pace, because it is not a race" -- A.M.B


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