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My favorite reading of the semester was probably The BITCH Manifesto by Jo Freeman. I liked how it was brash, out there, and all around obnoxious. I felt like it was meant to be a tad humorous, since it challenged every typical gender role there is with the complete opposite. I was easy to understand her meaning in the article. It was a statement, not an open debate.

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My least favorite reading is "Feminism: A Transformational Politic" written by bell hooks. Her articles are a little difficult to read and comprehend. She's very wordy, and sometimes her meaning gets lost. I found I had to re-read her articles a few times to follow her thought. 

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I learned alot about myself in this class, and I'm not just saying that. I read articles about thoughts that I never knew exisited, and never would have if I did not take WST 291. I found that I am very interested in Feminism in general. I'll take the major theories with me as I go through life. Feminism is another lens to look at life situations with. One that has opened up my way of thinking forever.

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