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Ashley Hastings




Dr. Rowley


WRT102, Sec. 022





To whom it may concern:

                        Before I had taken this class, I truly thought I had mastered college level writing and grammar in the many Honors English classes I experienced in High School. I was wrong. This WRT102 class has taught me how to correctly write in MLA style format, cite my sources, and express my thoughts in a coherent manner, and to do all this with confidence. My three papers from this past semester personify everything I have learned in this short time. In my first paper, “Internet Obsession and Literary Techniques”, I analyze Theodora Stites’s meaning behind her article, and the techniques she uses as a writer to convey this meaning to those reading. My second essay, “Setting, Animals, and Sadness”, is an in depth analysis of Philip K. Dicks novel, “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?” I piece together a strong breakdown of symbolism and setting, and how this affects the novel as a whole. My third and final paper, “To Drill, Or Not To Drill?”,  is an argumentative research paper about deep ocean oil drilling. I support my argument with quotes, facts, and evidence from multiple sources. My three aforementioned papers accurately illustrate my growth as a writer in this class, and depict the knowledge I will continue to apply through out my college career.

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