DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Main Objective 


In order for for the mechanical signals, delivered via the oscillating plate, to inhibit fat accumulation and enhance bone growth, it has to ensure the compliance of the users with its daily use. A study done by Dr. Rubin has shown low compliance (~44%) when children with disabling diseases were asked to use the oscillating plate over a specific period of time (10 min/day for ~1 year) (1). In other words, getting children, particularly 7-16 years old, to comply with the daily use of the product is elusive. However, our consumers will have the luxury of being entertained by playing video games, while simultaneously getting treated (via the clinically used oscillating plate), which is predicted to increase the compliance rate to ~80%. 


Mini Goals


  • Design interactive plate that will fit on top of the oscillating plate
  • Data acquisition through a code developed on the Arduino
  • Use the Hydra (game development kit) to design and play a basic videogame that will be controlled by the interactive plate



1. Rubin et.al. Low-level mechanical signals and their potential as a non-pharmacological interventions for osteoporosis. Age and Aging. 35-S2, ii32-ii36 (2006).



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.