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Pecha Kecha is a presentation style that deviates from the standard powerpoint of long, droning, boring bullet points and information.  There are 20 slides of information, and each slide is shown for only 20 seconds. 


This particular presentation is simply about me, and compared to others it seems a little less detail oriented.  I don't talk about my political views, and things of that nature.  A large portion is about my friends, which I consider the most important, since over time I am molded by the people I'm surrounded by, whether I like it or not.  I need to edit it a little, once I can ever get a picture of a certain group of friends that somehow I've managed to go through life without any pictures of.  Too many pictures are also from prom, but that's only because I was never a picture person.  Some people might consider this impossible, but I don't really have photos.


Here's the actual powerpoint file, but below is each slide with a slight description (so you could actually see the presentation without me presenting it if you wanted)


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I am me.  What's this mean?  There are so many aspects to a person.

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