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(wrote this in Stat Class,11/19/09)


People can be weak minded
People can be simple minded
But what makes one not in this category
Simply, it is to not be simple
to be complex
But what is complexity?
Complexity may lie in the concepts of hopes
Dreams and aspirations
our thoughts and our feelings
our personal depiction of our world
But really
Aren't these all simple?
To be categorized, some part of it must be
And every person ends in a category
what are complex thoughts anyways
Complexity shouldn't be able to be written or explained
Because anything that can be explained and understood
must be simple for the human mind to grasp
It must make sense
Our "complexities" are what people fail to understand
But each of us can describe our ideas, in some manner
So rather than fail to understand
it's a failure to care
And due to such ...I do not explain
Hence I become complex
Complex due to my antisocial gene
But in this complexity I am simple
Because I was just described, in terms we can understand

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