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ESG 100:  Introduction to Engineering

Professor Gary Halada


ESG 100 is not your typical class.  It's a really general engineering class, which, from time to time, makes you feel like you're leaving having learned nothing; but, truthfully, with the way Professor Halada teaches in the class, the fact that this class is so general makes him speak about everything he can think of and makes you learn almost anything.

There was this one time that Professor Halada did a demonstration about wind turbines and spoke about their structures and gave a general background to their history and importance.

It just so happened that a few days following that class, I had to do a presentation in front of my MAR 392 class about an article I had read about wind turbines and noise pollution in the New York Times.  When I finished and when it was time for questions, people were not necessarily commenting on the noise pollution aspect, but more so on its efficiency and why it wasn't being built everywhere.  For instance, one student asked me why engineers do not consider building them on top of buildings.  And, because of how general Professor Halada's class is, that was actually mentioned in it!  So, as a result, I was able to answer all of the various questions that came to me just because of everything Halada's lecture entailed.  I was able to relay all the information I had learned in my ESG 100 class and use it in my presentation.

So, really, although that class is a very general engineering course, you learn a lot.  All you have to do is listen.

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