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There are two ways to add an assignment(s) to your course, importing from a library or creating a new assignment from scratch.


Create New Assignments

  • To create a new assignment, scroll to the lower half of the page. Fill in an assignment title. Then fill in an assignment description.
  • When you have completed the description, click the Save button.

Import Assignments

  • You can import assignments from your previous courses, or the assignment library.
  • To import assignments from your previous courses: click the Browse Assignments Button. Select the course you would like to import the assignment from and then select the assignments.

Building an Assignment Workflow

  • In Digication assignments can have multiple steps, an assignment workflow, that allows you to customize what evidence and assessment steps are associated with the assignment.
  • After you have saved the assignment you will be able to design the assignment workflow, or steps, needed to fulfill an assignment.
  • Note: You can always edit the assignment name and description by clicking the Edit button.
  • To begin building the workflow, scroll down the page and click the Add Step button.

Assignment Block Types (Steps)

  • There are several different block types to choose from. To add a block, select the type you want to add from the left hand menu and click the Add This Block button.
  • Here is an overview of the different block types:
    • Evidence: This block allows a teacher or student to record evidence of work as it relates to the assignment. This block can contain file uploads, rich text, links to e-Portfolios, or other formats depending on your school's option.
    • Teacher Rubric: This block allows a teacher to complete summative assessment of each student’s work. The teacher can select and score a rubric and enter comments on the work being assessed.
    • Peer Rubric: This block allows peer summative assessment of another students' work via a rubric.
    • Self Rubric: This block allows each student to self-evaluate their own work via a rubric. After the block is added, you can select or create a rubric to evaluate the work.
    • Teacher Reflection: This block allows a teacher to complete formative assessment of each student’s work. The teacher can enter rich text and comments as part of the assessment.
    • Peer Reflection: This block allows a student to complete formative assessment for another student. The assessing student can see evidence and enter their thoughts and comments through a rich-text interface.
    • Self Reflection: This block allows a student to complete formative assessment via a self-reflection. Each student will be able to put in rich text in comments as part of the reflective process.
    • Standards: This block allows a teacher to document whether evidence and assessments contribute to or complete an institutional goal or standard. Multiple standards can be selected and adherence is measured via a rubric.
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1. Before you add assignments to your course, you must first log in to: 




4. On your homepage, click on 'Courses' located on the top taskbar (pictured below)



5. Under My Courses, click on the course in which you would like to add assignments (pictured below)



6. To access your assignments for the course, click the "Assignments" tab (pictured below)



7. Click "Add Assignment" (pictured below)


8. If you have created Assignments for a previous course that you would like to reuse in your current course, you may click "Browse Assignments" (pictured below on the right). If you are creating a new assignment, title the assignment in the "Name" box pictured below. After adding a description of the assignment, click "Save" on the bottom left (pictured below).




 9. Now you should see that you can add steps (components) to each assignment. Click "Add Step" on the bottom right (pictured below).



10. On the left side of the page, click "Evidence" and then click "Add This Step" on the bottom right (pictured below)



 11. On the Evidence page that appears, put a title underneath "Name" for the component of the assignment (i.e. Introduction, Resources, etc.) Next, underneath "Step Options" on the right side, select when you want to make this step available for your students to Submit this component. Then click "Save" on the bottom left (pictured below)



12. Congratulations, you have just created your first assignment with at least one component! You can now add more Steps to the assignment (as pictured below), or you can click the "Assignments" tab on the top of the page to view your assignments for the course. 


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