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To submit an assignment for a class using Digication, there are 3 different steps you can choose from. You can either Upload a document, submit a page from your ePortfolio or enter the document in Rich Text.


Upload an assignment:


1) Click on the assignment tab in your class. 


2) Click on the assignment that you want to work on.


3) Click on Upload, then choose files:


4) Go to directory where your completed assignment is stored. To add the assignment, double click on the file name.



Add assignment from your ePortfolio:


1) Click on the ePortfolio tab and choose your ePortfolio


2) Arrow down to the page that the assignment you would like add is on. Double click.


Add assignment manually using Rich Text 


1) Click on Rich Text and manually add in your assignment.


2) Click SAVE and SUBMIT.





 **Verify box labeled "evidence submitted" on the assignments page to ensure your upload was completed.** 

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