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How to enroll in a community


Below are instructions for finding your eportfolio community:


1) After logging into stonybrook.digication.com, click 'Courses' on the top navigation bar




2) Under My Community, click 'Find' (pictured below)



3) Under Find Community, enter the community title and then click View.





5) To complete enrollment, click on Enroll (pictured below)



NOTE: Some courses may require a password. Enter the password your professor provides you with and click 'Enroll' (pictured below)



You should now be enrolled in your community!



6) You will be automatically taken to the tab Notifications and can choose whether to receive emails from this community.


7)Click on the tab People to view other eportfolios in the community.




Contact Us: 

If you need help at any point, you can email us at eportfolio@stonybrook.edu


Below is the link to our Contact Page.


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