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Complexity in the search for new energy sources is an ongoing issue. Complexity of design increases as problems are solved. As more failures occur, more solutions are made creating even more complexities in the design of collecting energy sources.

An example that emphasizes this idea is the Ocean Ranger disaster. There was no pumping or alarm systems for areas that were exposed to the risk of flooding. This create blind spots in the design and potentially caused the disaster in 1982. As a result, new structures were created with sturdier designs.

The changes in design in the energy sector are essential because of the increasing need for energy. Energy is one of the most important industries in the world and failures in design have an enormous impact on not only the energy industry but also society and the economy.

For example, the Deepwater Horizon disaster negatively impacted several aspects of the world. In the lecture, it is explained that “everything is part of an open system”. This idea is seen through the effects of the spill. Marine life was impacted, the water was contaminated, and there was also a severe drop in share prices.

The idea of complexity in design and how it impacts every aspect of the world is seen not only in engineering. In the business world it is important to learn from past failures and act accordingly. It is also important to consider the effects that different failures in different industries could have on the business world. For example, the share of drop prices is something that negatively impacted a great deal of businesses and shareholders.



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