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In my opinion, technology has become a big part of my everyday life. We constantly wonder what happens if technology decides to just disappear one day. I believe there are many advantages and disadvantages in our society today. We've become so reliant on technology; I feel sometimes we lose the real meaning of life. People used to find leisure through strolls in the park, playing outdoors with friends, reading books, writing handwritten letters, and just spending quality time with friends and family. However these days, we're locked into our technology, constantly on the couch watching television all day, walking around clicking away on our phone and tablets. On the bright side, it has made our work more efficient and has shortened the amount of time to research for things. As we grow each day, so does our technology. We see the goods and bad of technology, depending on how technology has changed or affected you individually; it becomes a very debatable topic. Since the day I was presented with technology to now, I still believe that technology was made for the better regardless of how dependent we are towards them.

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