DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

**Here, have each team member write some of the challenges they faced and how they worked to overcome them. Write about the skills that you took away from working on this project.**



Current meeting time:  Tuesdays from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.


 first meeting:

>how the GUI may look - drew up a draft

>drafted an outline of how the program may work

>when could we meet with the potential client?

>should try and practice with filemaker and appinventor


second meeting: (october 15, 2013):

Jieaye has a different layout/GUI suggestion (similarity to windows 8); may use this layout

Work on logo?  How do we want it to look?  Needs further discussion.

**Need to finish vision statement / use cases.  Have drafts/outline by Thursday to show to professor, to see if we have it right.  Write in the google doc, everyone should have accesss

What want google maps button to do:  just open one location, not multiple/past service locations.  There was a little confusion about this.  Get it from a global variable that reads from filemaker

Took a team photo and uploaded to e-portfolio.


subsequent meetings:

  • checking up on progress of the database
  • modyfing the GUI and and layout of the database
  • discontinue working with AppInventor - FileMaker has the funcitonality we need
  • got 'nearby locations' map to load properly
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.