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American Red Cross Club-  I just recently joined the club this semester( Spring 2012) in an effort to get involved at Stony Brook, and i really love it. So far I've helped out in bake sales and bagel sales, which were an effort by the club to acquire money for charity donations. Participating in these events really have made it clear to me that my passion lies in helping others. during the events it felt so good to know that I was making an impact. It also felt good to know that I was acquiring the neccessary tools to become a better volunteer. I'm really glad I joined this club, it has really increased my motivation to make more attempts to get involved, and it has showed me that venturing out and  trying new things is in no way a bad idea.



 Students with Disabilities Club- This is another club, which I recently joined this semester, it focuses on diminishing the false stereotypes concerning people with disabilities, it also involves partcipating in events that involve kids who are disabled. This club is really important to me because it allows me more chances to put myself in situations where I can make a huge difference, and it allows me to invoke a sense of empathy in others, which is something I feel there just isn't enough of in  the world.


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