DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

POL 101: World of Politics

Summary: This class was an introduction to the theory and practice of the contemporary international relations through the prism of international security, international political economy, and global environmental issues.  We learned about realism, liberalism, international organization and law, etc.


Leadership Lessons: This class taught me the bigger picture of international government and leadership.  It taught me many of the different theories, ideas, and political parties.  We also discussed some good and bad leadership decisions such as the genocide in Rwanda and how America stayed out of it (bad leadership?).


POL 102: Introduction to American Government

Summary: This class focused on three sections: mass political behavior, linkage groups, and governmental institutions. The first section discussed the role of public opinion in shaping public policy and electoral outcomes.  The second section explored those particular groups that facilitate the link between public opinion and political outcomes, political parties and interest groups. The last section looked at the designs and functions of the three major branches of American government: legislative, judicial, and executive.


Leadership Lessons: This class taught the fundamentals of American Government which is good to know.  We discussed the roles of important government officials such as the President, Senate, and Judicial Court officials.  We discussed what sort of power they have as leaders and how one branch cannot become too powerful (checks and balances).  This is related to leadership because you don't want to become a dictator and have all of the power. Leadership also involves teamwork and listening and communicating with your followers.


HUR 232: Rebels and Tyrants

Summary: This class explored literary rebels and tyrants central to Russian and Anglo-American traditions. The tactics used by these writers are appraised in the light of the dominant social, political, and aesthetic systems they confront. We read Ivanhoe, Notes from Underground, Ivan the Terrible, Richard III, etc in order to determine the fundamental ideas and values that are expressed through literary depictions of these rebels and tyrants.  We also looked at the major movements in intellectual and literary  history from which the authors obtained their ideas about rebellion and tyranny.  In addition, we looked at the authors biographical history to see what influenced and helped shape their literary works.


Leadership Lessons: This class taught me about all of the bad leaders (rebels) such as Richard III who killed a bunch of people in order to get the throne.  We were able to explore the characters personalities and motives in order to determine why they became the rebels that they are now.  We also talked about the authors themselves and how their background shaped their works which is a form of leadership in itself.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.