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Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about. - Marilyn Monroe 


Photo was taken at Max Brenner in Union Square on 12.31.2012 (New Year's Eve)


     My name is Lillian Luu. I am currently a senior focusing on getting my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology. I also minor in Business management because I believe the skill I learn will help me understand the world of business. A part of me wants to create a business plan to help people understand the benefits of eating healthy and maintaining proper nutrition for maximal performance. I am interested in the connection between psychology and food. I feel that what we eat has an impact on how we perform our daily lives and how we percieve the world around us. The one thing that makes me stand out is my love for inspirational quotes. Although most people over look these quotes or do not believe in them, I for one use them as a way to self-motivate myself. A lot of people look towards the approval of others to keep their day going however, I do the opposite. I motivate myself a lot and try to spend a lot of reflecting on my actions and how I can move forward. 



Top 5 Quotes I live by:




I love this quote so much. It reminds me that no one is going to live my life so I have to. There is so much another person can do for you but an individual has the potential s/he has his/her heart set on. Everyone is there for the support but the individual is doing all the work. It is best to stay motivated and inspired daily.



this was a reminder for me to be simple in my thoughts and my daily actions. humans tend to complicate things and I am one of them. Although these phrases are short, they have so much power to them. It makes me realize to keep my life simple even though I have so many dreams to pursue.



Throughout my college career, I learned that failure is not bad. Failure is another word for lesson. As long as the lesson is learned, you will no longer fail.





We always over look our days due to the sheer amount of stuff that we have to do. Every day, we forget that we could change someone's life by smiling at them or saying hi. We are constantly aging, that's inevitable but we are not always alive. I remind myself that every day, I can always make someone feel better about themselves. That gives me a life worth living.




I have noticed that smiling is an action taken for granted. There are quotes about smiling being the best make up or how smiling brightens up the day and it really does. Smiling is a very important action for me because if I do not smile first thing in the morning, I know I am going to have a bad day. 



This quote has caused me to think about my view about success. Success includes hardwork, blood, sweat and tears. There are sacrifices that need to be and priorities that need to met. The power of this quote hit me when I realized that I have to give my 200% in everything I do. 


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