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   Few of my colleagues decided to create a blog to "offer an inside look into questions and problems TLT Consultants run into everyday". I thought it was a great idea and decided to be part of it.


This idea is great because it provides transparency. All this information is offered on the Stony Brook University's Division of Information Technology website but that is normally the last place students would go to. Most of the time, students would look towards facebook for answers from friends and especially opinions. We wanted to create a platform for students to realize that students work in the department and that TLT Consultants (if they are friends with them on facebook or not) are the ones who will be able to give them the right answers to DoIT related issues and if not, find the right person who has the answer(s). 


There are a list of things that I have decided to write about in regards to questions, services and more. 


My first blog post was written in December 2014 and geared towards those who are graduating then (and in the future). It is called Leaving so Soon?! Don't forget about these!! It focuses on the different services graduates can take with them for life. It provides them with information on how to acquire their Alumni Email accounts, SB You Blog, E-Portfolio and Google Archive. It also leads them to photo instructions on how to do so by linking them to their original websites. It is important for graduates to know that they can take their E-Porfolio and SB You Blog with them to enhance their online presence for the future! 


For a copy of my post to read, Please click here: Leaving so soon_! Don’t forget about these!! _ TLT Insider.pdf 


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