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Over time, technology and technological advancements have played a large role in the progress of our society.  Through technology, we can expand our horizons and do things we might have only imagined previously.  Personally, I believe technology is here to help us, not control our lives, just facilitate them.


As computers and telephones became more advanced, people were able to connect with others who lived on the other side of the world.  Thoughts, ideas, and theories could be easily spread and viewed by others.  Discoveries and new knowledge can now be spread worldwide so quickly thanks to technology.  


Computers, for example, are a device that can help people organize their thoughts as well as conduct more research and search for more knowledge all in one place.  Computers allow people to take learning into their own hands, as they can self-educate throughout all of the on line resources available.


Technology has not only helped people progress, it has also provided a source of joy and entertainment.  I personally watched the television evolve from a large, chunky mass to a slim, sleek flat screen.  These televisions provided such clear images that you could see the sweat drops on a football players face.  This technology made something as simple as watching your favorite show, that much more amazing and beautiful.  


Technology has also served to help in the medical field.  Unfortunately, individuals may lose limbs in the military or might be born with a particular deformity.  Through technology, these people can try to enjoy their life to the fullest.  Artificial limbs can allow people to walk rather than be trapped in a wheelchair.  Technology has also helped those suffering from heart disease.  Pace makers help support people with weaker, unpredictable hearts so they can try to live their life to the fullest knowing they have a back up machine to be there for them.  Something we discussed in class that relates to all of this is the robotic surgeon.  This is starting to be used more so in Canada.  The robotic arm can perform surgeries and administer medicine or anesthesia without the worry of human error.


In my eyes, technology seems to be beneficial in many ways to all different types of people.  However, sometimes people can get too caught up in technology.  Smart phones allow people to receive mobile e-mails which means work can be taken with them anywhere, it is no longer just left in the office.  People have also resorted to texting rather than speaking on the phone or even in person.  Technology is there to facilitate our lives, not run them or cause people to become more anti-social.  Technology is a great thing, but there is definitely a delicate balance of when it can become too much.


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