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In Lecture 2, we learned how to figure out the risk or failure of a design. We can use this formula (Consequence = vulnerability * rate of occurance * cost / mitigation) to look at things like batteries, fans, and other such objects to see the potential risks they pose. We can also see how engineers designed it to mitigate the potential dangers that could come. The slides also show us the importance of understanding the design behind an idea. It shows us examples of engineering disasters that could have been prevented if the engineers made sure that everything was done correctly and that standards are followed. An example shown in the slides, was the explosion of a shoe factory in 1905. After this disaster, it prompted the creation of boiler codes. These codes made it so that there is a smaller chance for the same kind of event to occur. The good thing to come out of disasters like these, are that upon inspection of it, are that engineers and future engineers can learn what the cause of the disaster was. It can also show new vulnerabilities or ones that were thought of but have not acutally happened and see the effects of them. The main lesson of the lecture, was to learn from the past, to protect the future.

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