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While reading the first few chapters in "Lessons Amid the Rubble", it was clear to see what the author was talking about when she was referring to when she called engineering a contradiction. She was also able to neatly outline the beginnings of what happened on September 11th and how unorganized everything was. One thing that was interesting while reading, was how conflicted people were with how long the twin towers stayed up. It was one of the first times something of this scale happened. While I understand that the guy that designed the towers has to deal with the burden of having the building not last long enough to save everyone, the fact that it was able to stay up as long as it did was amazing. Another thing that was cool to watch the stream of was the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch. It was amazing to see that the now most powerful rocket by far. It shows how far we want to push the limits to see what we are capable of in terms of space travel. 

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