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Women in large numbers are working their way up, the way men always have.

---- Roy, Rowan




    It is true that young women today are with a great disire to be independent and are trying hard to have a better educational degree to get a job in the business world in order to open the door to a world of job oppotunities. In the real world, they are making great efforts to get equal opportunities as men always have. Looking into the history, people hold the idea that men are born to be working outside and women are housewives and mothers naturally in the house. Executive positions in the business world can make women feel satisfied as they achieve their goals even though many are driven by the need of money to raise families. At present, in top corporations in the U.S., the number of women in power are little. Meanwhile ,women have not abandoned their traditional roles of wife and mother, but take new roles to someone at the top just as men do.

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