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Current Projects


Center for News Literacy (CNL) Digital Resource Center Website


Starting in July of 2012, I have been the sole designer of this site, built in Wordpress, which is being used as a beta version of CNL's Digital Resource Center, which seeks to provide partner instructors and institutions with updated lesson materials, including video, and interactive media material. I am currently working on the next iteration of this site, which will be built in Drupal. 




Social Media Redesign for the Center for News Literacy


I played a key role in reinvigorating the social media presence of the Center for News Literacy through a redesign of the workflow and it's Social Media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. We have experienced an aggregated growth rate of 20% in the last quarter since completing the redesign. 






The Center for News Literacy Youtube Channel


As the Center for News Literacy's Digital Content Producer, I am primarily resposible for the production of all multimedia content, including video. I write, shoot, edit, and compose music for all video productions completed since my hiring in July of 2012. I completed a redesign of our Youtube channel in the fall of 2013, along with the production of a new promotional video welcoming users to the Youtube channel. 




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