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No company or corporation is perfect.  Every company has flaws; whether it is in organization, marketing, product development, the financial sector or any other division of the company.  Microsoft does in fact have some components that need assistance.  My recommendations for Microsoft start with focus marketing and all of the business and investment aspect on products they are strong and stable with.  For example, put quality time and effort into the advancements of the gaming and software system.  Invest more into the advantages and popular products of the company in order to keep those parts superior to the others.  
On the contrary, drop and disregard the struggles and dead weight of the company.  An example of this would be the Windows 8 phone in the mobile device industry.  Sales have been very slow compared to even the average touchscreen mobile devices.  I feel that the new Surface tablet at least has more of a competitive edge and a chance at success in the industry than the Windows 8 phone.  With that said, with the mobile device industry out of the picture, Microsoft can now focus on possibly creating something brand new to our society.  Just like the "tablet" was new to the technology world a few years ago, Microsoft could focus those investments into newer and more advanced technology that no company has ever seen or created before.  We all know that Microsoft has the potential and financial support to undergo a brand new technological product to hit the market, but it is all up to Microsoft and its employees to create the next best thing for consumers.        

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