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Fall 2014 Workshops and Presentations - Nancy Wozniak


Flipping the Classroom with Mind and Concept Mapping

  • Overview of Flipped Classroom Model and Mind/Concept Mapping

  • Explore materials that can be used for mapping in the classroom

  • Map learning benefits of  flipping and mapping

  • Design Mind and Concept Mapping exercises

Mind and Concept Mapping have long been used in traditional and online classrooms to help students constructively understand and work through complex and multifaceted topics and problems.  These visually interactive maps ignite collaboration and spark creative inquiry and discovery with the students.  Instead of turning to their neighbors for discussion, students turn to their neighbors to create visual, vibrant connections of their understanding and knowledge.  In this workshop we’ll explore the learning benefits of this flipped classroom design and brainstorm mapping exercises for our classrooms.  We'll explore various mapping materials, such as post-it notes, poster boards, and Google Drawing,   A Concept and Mind Mapping Resource site will be made available.


Why ePortfolios? - Using ePortfolios in the Classroom

  • Overview of ePortfolios and Folio Thinking

  • Review examples of Stony Brook ePortfolio use

  • Discussion with Stony Brook faculty using ePortfolios

ePortfolios?  How will they enhance learning in my course and are they worth the effort?  What’s in it for my students?  What’s in it for me? These are typical questions asked about eportfolios used for learning and assessment in a course or program. This session will provide an overview of ePortfolios and Folio Thinking in higher education. We’ll explore the issues and benefits relating to ePortfolio use and discover how Folio Thinking can stimulate active learning.  A variety of ePortfolios used in various disciplines and programs at Stony Brook will be available for review.  Faculty using ePortfolios in their classrooms will join us for the discussion.   .


Assessment with ePortfolios - REAL Evidence of Learning


  • Overview of the Assessment ePortfolio

  • Outcomes-Based Assessment with ePortfolios

  • Aligning ePortfolio artifacts with standards and outcomes

  • ePortfolio with rubric examples

An assessment ePortfolio can be used to demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through formal, and non-formal instruction.   ePortfolios allow any user to document and showcase artifacts, that can be aligned to any standard or outcome, as REAL evidence of learning.   In this session, we’ll discuss the use of ePortfolios as an outcomes-based assessment method.  A variety of ePortfolio and rubric examples will be made available.  Come ready to map eportfolios and related rubrics to your course learning outcomes.


The Electronic Teaching Portfolio - REAL Evidence of Your Professional Accomplishments and Success

    • What is it and what are the benefits?

    • Components of a teaching portfolio

    • View examples of other faculty portfolios

    • Start your own teaching portfolio

Landing a tenure-track teaching position at a university isn’t easy.  Your electronic teaching portfolio provides employers in depth evidence of your teaching experiences and achievements.  You are able to showcase working examples of your professional strengths, abilities, and accomplishments. Included are teaching materials, learning strategies and plans, educational philosophies, and supporting media, which represent the scope, development, and quality of your teaching and service experiences.  Use your portfolio for job searches, promotion and tenure, and for personal and professional development.  In this workshop, you’ll start your portfolio and begin to collect and organize evidence of your professional abilities and commitment to learning. 

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.