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Welcome Email sent the week before class begins.


Hello Everyone,

We're looking forward to this semester as we collaborate and build our professional brands.  The assignments in this course should not be viewed as work.  They aren't assignments; they are tools and venues for you to promote and provide evidence of your professional skills and abilities for internships and career opportunities.  The course is more of a workshop designed for your professional advancement.  It's all about you and all for you.

Your Syllabus, Assignment Grid with due dates, and Project Rubric are posted in the Start Here and Assignment content areas of your Blackboard course site.  We updated the documents this week and highly recommend you look over the newly posted versions.   There also is a LDS 102 Syllabus Quiz available.  Review your syllabus and take the simple, simple quiz.  You can take it as many times as you want.  Try to do this before our first class on Wednesday.

Getting Ready for our First Class  

  1. Look over the activity folders for Week One and Week Two in the Assignment content area of our Blackboard course site.  Also, review the ePortfolio and Personal Branding folder.  The sooner you get started, the better. 
  2. Come to class with 5 facts about you.  The 5 facts should cover various areas of your life.  We'll use our 5 facts to introduce ourselves.  The facts will go into your ePortfolio.  Here are some examples
REMEMBER - we're in Harriman 304 (not the LDS Commuter Lounge Classroom)!  That is the 3rd floor of Harriman Hall, the College of Business floor, next to the College of Business Dean's Office.  If you have questions, email or call me (Nancy).  

Welcome back and we'll see you all on Wednesday!

Nancy, Dr. London, and Pie
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First Day Email (Prior to Class)




Hope everyone stayed safe and warm during Juno.  What a way to kickoff Spring Semester 2015.  If you were out in the snow, bring pictures to class.  Did you know the Weather Channel was broadcasting from SBU West Campus?  


We have our first class today in Harriman Hall, Room 304, College of Business Conference Room.  Harriman is next to Frey Hall.  Dr. London, Pan, and I are looking forward to meeting all of you.  Bring your 5 Facts today. (5 statements about you)  I sent you all examples in my last email on Saturday.  One of my favorites is Vish Muppa's facts https://stonybrook.digication.com/vishwaja_muppa/About_Me.  You come to know her through her image logo and 5 simple statements.  Michelle Nevins put her 5 Facts into storyboard format.  https://stonybrook.digication.com/michelle_nevins1/About_Me .  


Also, take the very, very simple Syllabus Quiz before you come to class.  It will take you 10 minutes.  Find your assignments for Weeks One and Two in the Assignments content area listed on the menu in our Blackboard Course site.


See you later this afternoon.




Dr. London and Pan Xie


FYI (found in Course Rubris and Assignment List)
Is this you?

I know I’m capable of performing job.  I’m an expert on a topic and in my professional field.  I have a lot to offer.  Nobody knows it, but me.   Or, maybe you don’t see your professional self.  Well, after this class, you will.

Ways to get the professional you recognize are to

(1) create and establish your professional brand;

(2) create and maintain a Holistic Electronic Portfolio (projects the whole professional self - work experience, service (volunteerism), academics (lifelong learning), life achievements, interests, reflection);

(3) create and maintain a LinkedIn profile with work experience, service (volunteerism, academics (lifelong learning), achievements, interests, professional memberships, microblogging in Pulse and groups;

(4) maintaining a professional blog (WordPress, Blogger);  

(5) microblogging with Twitter, Tubmlr, Professional Facebook account, and other microblog tools.


These are the opportunities this class will provide for you to achieve and promote your professional online identity.  Build your network.  The sooner you start, the better.

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