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Now that my digital story is complete, I can safely say that I have garnered a greater appreciation for Meyerbeer’s music. In a way, I have created my own “history” or at least, my own narrative for when listening to Les Huguenots. My digital story attempts to offer up a unique juxtaposition of the current (at least in Meyerbeer’s life), and the past through the swapping back and forth between historical documents and video. In a way, I’ve attempted to recreate the world within which a 19th-century opera-goer could have heard this music. As history was “created” in the 19th century, this digital story attempts to place the viewer on the “Great Timeline,” and extort the self within history.


I believe that I was fairly successful in this plight; nevertheless, I would have wanted to possibly add a couple more photos to break up the video a bit more. Overall, I am quite happy with how the project turned out. 

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