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Date:   November 17, 2011

To:       American Electrical Employees at the Multi-Phase Site

From:   Walter Martinson, CEO

RE:      Health and Safety


            Thank you for your continuous service at American Electrical, Inc. and your patience regarding the activity of the Georgia Department of Environmental Protection (GDEP) near your work areas. We have received reports of the two hundred buried drums of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) discovered at the northeast corner of the former Multi-Phase site, twenty-five of these are compromised. The GDEP’s preliminary findings show no evidence of PCBs leeching into the water supply or being airborne. Dr. Charles Puckett of the GDEP confirmed, “There’s no immediate danger to anyone working at your manufacturing facility out there.” We are taking the necessary steps to remove the drums and we appreciate your patience and cooperation in this process. Employees can expect to see people working in the northeast corner of the Multi-Phase site in the next few days. Thank you for your cooperation. 

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.