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A leader is someone who has confidence in the ability that he or she posses, the expertise to reinforce his or her qualifications as a leader, the resilience to never back down in face of failure, but to accept it, learn from it, and grow from it. A leader must also posses the open-mindedness to receive advice and criticisms, but makes the final decision without hesitation or distraction. Leadership is the combination of qualities mentioned above that are avaliable to all individuals in order to encourage others to follow in their foot steps through their own choices.  

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My definition of a leader comes from personal experience, history, and interaction between people. Through my experiences, I learned that a leader can be anyone, depending on the situation, time, and place or the occasion. For example, General Grant of Union Army, who later became the president, was an excellent general, but he was a horrible president. He would drink all day during his presidency, letting the country be run by corrupt government officials. Despite his great leadership in the Civil War, he failed to lead the country. My definition of leadership is primarly revolves around the situational approach of leadership theory. Adaptability is one of the main focuses of my definition. To me, a leader comes in different shapes and forms. Some are raised to be leaders, but will never become leaders, while others fill their role as leaders when the situation is right. Anyone can be raised as a leader, but to actually lead, you must be at the right place and at the right time.  A good leadership is both innate and circumstantial.

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