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During the summer of 2011, I taught a course at my school entitled "Gaming and Learning".  Students were in the library for two hours, five days a week, for 3 weeks.  During the first week, students played and reviewed free online games that I had preselected.  During the second week, students brought in their own hand-held games to play and share with others.  During the third week, students played various Wii games. 


For each game students were expected to decide what genre the game belonged to, and what learning principle was found in the game.  They also had to say what age group the game was most suited for, and give it stars to rate it.


The students' reviews were posted on a wiki.  Please visit




to see the results of the students' reviews.


This was a fun and educational summer program.  It encouraged students to realize that well-designed games can lead to important learning that can be applied to other areas of life, such as learning in school. 

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