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 ★Why I Choose the Value?★


‘To be creative!’


     As a student who is majoring in business, I hear the passage so many times from major classes in general. Also I am pretty sure that each person hears the passage frequently as well. However, even though every person wants to be creative, it is not simple literally. To be creative, we always try to think critically and have any kinds of questions. Instead, most people want to follow the standard method, and if the original way is comfort for them, they are more likely to just follow the method.

     Although sometimes being creative means taking risks, I think that it is essential for more comfortable life and improvement of standard of living. Thus, I always try to see the other side when I face some situations. For instance, when I worked as a part-timer at a movie theater, all employees had to fix the heavy theater doors with a small wood stick. It wasn’t easy for new employees and even for skilled employees. However, there was no way to learn it simply, but all employees had to develop their own way to fix the doors. I also had a problem to fix the door. The doors were too heavy to be fixed and the floor was too slippery. Thus, I tried to come up with ideas the way to fix doors easily. Later, I could fix the doors by using the shape of wood sticks, and every my co-workers could learn the way very easily! My supervisor felt very happy with the discovery and gave five free movie tickets to me as a prize. Through this experience, I realized that being creative is really important and vital for everyone, and that is the reason that I added creativity as my value to follow.

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