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The follow image is my own logo!



Reflection After I made My Logo



     I could get ideas about logo from a classmate when we talked about simple mission statement. After he saw my mission statement, he drew a simple image for me. The following image is the image he drew at that time.



I thought that it’s quite nice and could use it when I develop my logo. Thus, I choose the image as my logo.




     My logo looks so simple but contains lots of meanings. It expresses my mission very clearly. Firstly, the logo’s shape is oval, which represents the Earth. I used the shape because I want to work and cooperate with people from all over the world. The rainbow is a symbol of variety, and it also can show one of my values, respect. Same portion of colors expresses the meaning that I will respect others as a same person without any bias such as class, race, and gender. The shaking hands image also represents my hope that I want to solve a problem by cooperating with others and sharing our power together. Thus, the logo has many priceless meanings and that is why I choose it.


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