DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

 All deadlines are shown in Eastern Standard Time. 


Module 1A: May 28-30


  • Get to know the course expectations: Read the syllabus and explore this ePortfolio. Log into the Blackboard website and explore. 
  • Get to know the tech environment. Learn about BlackboardDigication or SBYou, and Google Docs. (See these quickstart guides to Google Docs and Digication.) Google Documents, or Google Drive, is an online application similar in purpose and function to Microsoft Word, except it is stored in a data cloud instead of on your computer's hard drive. Unlike Word, Google Docs allows us to easily share documents and comment on each other's documents collaboratively. It is possible to convert Word documents to Google Docs if you prefer to do that, or you may directly compose all of your writing in Google Docs.
  • Create the shell for your ePortfolio. You may use either Digication or SBYou for your portfolio. Here is an example of a portfolio using Digication. If you use Digication, there is a template for the WRT 303 course eportfolios you can use. If you use SBYou (Wordpress), you will have to format the blog to create a suitable platform for work. See this example of a portfolio using Wordpress. Post your link in the forum in Blackboard Discussion Board called ePortolios.

  •  Get to know your classmates. 1) Add your own "About Me" post on this sheet; 2) Add your "Truth or Lies" post on this sheet. You may also want to post the About Me in your eportfolio now. 


Module 1B: May 30 to June 3


  • Vote in the "Truth or Lies" contest we started earlier in the week. E-mail me the true statement about yourself: cynthia.davidson@stonybrook.edu

  • READ “They All Just Went Away” (Joyce Carol Oates) 553-563 in Best American Essays of the Century. If you can’t get the book yet use this*.  *Links are for your convenience if you're having trouble getting the book, but they are not guaranteed to be stable links nor are all the readings available online. There is one book to be purchased for this course, available through Amazon or the campus bookstore. See the Required Texts and Materials list.

  • Please post two discussion questions or prompts in Blackboard on Monday evening. Partcipate in this discussion online.

  •   Review the first writing assignment, Mini-Essay 1: A Haunted Place. 

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.